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The Time In Between

I spend a good deal of each day working with developing leadership processes or talking with people about leadership and realizing with each person and day just how many people are only vaguely familiar with what being a leader actually means. Admittedly, I am a geek for reading, writing, learning, practicing, working the plan, etc. about leadership. Truly, though, getting your game on about leadership and working it from processes to communication will truly make a difference in your success - personnally and professionally. It is the new thing. The latest fad. The way many describe themselves because it is what you need to be, or so all the business books say. But really, in between all that, if we can all just take a few minutes to really look at what it means to be a leader, really do the things leaders do, really take time to think about and live leadership, we would all be far more successful. Time for congress to do that. Time for government to do this. Time to take the few moments in between the sound bites, the press releases, the memos and the tweets to really examine who we all really are. Be a leader. Really.


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