Why not? We are always encouraged to think outside the box, but who says there isn't a window you've been looking through for some time and wish you were outside? In that area where the grass is always greener. Where if you had just _____, and you can fill in the blank here, your business, your staff, your association, your Board, your family, etc. would truly be better, happier, wealthier, more in tune, in touch, productive, happy, all of that. This is it! Open the window. The box you are in has a window! Who knew? All this time you really thought you couldn't get out without a great deal of thinking. You have a free ticket. This is the point in time you make the decision to change it all up. To be in the moment, be creative, look for alternative ways, set your staff free to think with you, brainstorm with your partner, talk with your family, and meet with a focus group of your association to really make a difference. Today is so much further removed from 6 months ago, and, definitely, a year ago, you don't have the luxury of not making the change, opening the window and taking your business, your life, your challenges and setting the plan in motion. What does it really take? There is profit by process. Next time, more.
Fortunately or unfortunately I needed customer service this week for my Web site and design needs. Let me say, I was amazed. GoDaddy has great service, over the top, couldn't help enough, looked for more ways to save money and ensure I was getting all I needed. Someone use them as a model!!! If more companies realized your marketing starts internally before it really can be the best externally, profitability would prevail. I'll be back GoDaddy. I'll spread the word, I'll talk about the lady that was incredibly helpful, and further, I will provide free marketing for you as I talk about your services to my friends. Everyone, look at your companies. Starts with staff, training, leadership, accountability, bringing your whole self to work.
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