Its usable in sports, acceptable as one of the rules, and also in tag when you were a kid. Time out. Don't you wish you could get some time out to think, be creative, chill for awhile, have everything in the world stop and give you some moments to gather your thoughts and energy? Really? Why wouldn't we? In the middle of thinking through a huge decision that means using your resources to market, to spend time on Social Media, to use a chunk of change to upgrade the technology for your company ~ you name it ~ wouldn't you really like a time out? Not today. Not tomorrow. Decisions at the speed of sight. Snooze you lose. All those euphemisms. My advice? Stay on it. Use your time wisely. Work smarter, not harder. Work to keep marketing and part of all that you do, but also teach everyone in your company they are part of the sales staff, the marketing department and the customer service. Today you are being branded every nano second by your customers and your staff. If you asked your staff today what the mission is of your company, could they tell you? What message are they communicating to the world? That's marketing as well.
Fortunately or unfortunately I needed customer service this week for my Web site and design needs. Let me say, I was amazed. GoDaddy has great service, over the top, couldn't help enough, looked for more ways to save money and ensure I was getting all I needed. Someone use them as a model!!! If more companies realized your marketing starts internally before it really can be the best externally, profitability would prevail. I'll be back GoDaddy. I'll spread the word, I'll talk about the lady that was incredibly helpful, and further, I will provide free marketing for you as I talk about your services to my friends. Everyone, look at your companies. Starts with staff, training, leadership, accountability, bringing your whole self to work.
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