the only way to change is to stop doing the same thing expecting a different outcome. That has been said so many times before it is worn out. But people keep going back to that. Insurance companies keep insisting new fledgling agents call 300 people they don't know and hope the law of numbers still applies. Marketing isn't the same. This is today. The rank and file must stand up and start thinking and management needs to listen. They are frontline.
Fortunately or unfortunately I needed customer service this week for my Web site and design needs. Let me say, I was amazed. GoDaddy has great service, over the top, couldn't help enough, looked for more ways to save money and ensure I was getting all I needed. Someone use them as a model!!! If more companies realized your marketing starts internally before it really can be the best externally, profitability would prevail. I'll be back GoDaddy. I'll spread the word, I'll talk about the lady that was incredibly helpful, and further, I will provide free marketing for you as I talk about your services to my friends. Everyone, look at your companies. Starts with staff, training, leadership, accountability, bringing your whole self to work.
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